Энергоэффективное распределение ресурсов в когнитивных радио- ad-hoc-сетях на основе вершинного поиска
Ключевые слова:
распределение ресурсов, распределение спектра, SMOR, вершинный поиск, энергоэффективность, пользовательское планированиеАннотация
Когнитивная радио-ad-hoc-сеть (CRAHN) — это безынфраструктурная сетевая модель когнитивного радио, разработанная для ситуативного применения. Регулирование распределения ресурсов в CRAHN может быть рассмотрено как проблема ограничения энергии. Эффективному распределению спектра с использованием различных протоколов посвящено множество исследований. В этой работе модель Spectrum-Map-Empowered Opportunistic Routing (SMOR) была использована в качестве фундаментальной модели маршрутизации данны. Представлено решение по энергоэффективному оптимальному распределению спектра. Улучшена ранее модифицированная модель SMOR для энергоэффективного и оптимального распределения ресурсов с использованием алгоритма вершинного поиска с аппроксимацией на основе градиента. Изначально проблема распределения ресурсов была смоделирована как проблема невыпуклой оптимизации. Распределение мощности, адаптация скорости передачи данных, распределение каналов и политика пользовательского планирования оптимизированы для максимизации энергоэффективности во время передачи данных. Предлагаемый алгоритм вершинного поиска решает проблему оптимизации путем определения интервала обучения для определения канала и распределения энергии. Экспериментальные результаты подтверждают, что предлагаемая модифицированная модель SMOR(VS-M-SMOR), основанная на вершинном поиске, обеспечивает оптимальное распределение ресурсов.Литература
1. Yu F.R., Zhang X., Leung V.C. Green communications and networking // CRC Press. 2012. 399 p.
2. Chen Y, Zhang S, Xu S, Li G.Y. Fundamental trade-offs on green wireless networks // IEEE Communications Magazine. 2011. vol. 49. no. 6. pp. 30–37.
3. Gür G., Alagöz F. Green wireless communications via cognitive dimension: an overview // IEEE network. 2011. vol. 25. no. 2. pp. 50–56.
4. Si P., Ji H., Yu F.R., Leung V.C. Optimal cooperative internetwork spectrum sharing for cognitive radio systems with spectrum pooling // IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2010. vol. 59. no. 4. pp. 1760–1768.
5. Yu F.R., Sun B., Krishnamurthy V., Ali S. Application layer QoS optimization for multimedia transmission over cognitive radio networks // Wireless Networks. 2011. vol. 17. no. 2. pp. 371–383.
6. Al-Ariki H.D., Swamy M.S. A survey and analysis of multipath routing protocols in wireless multimedia sensor networks // Wireless Networks. 2017. vol. 23. no. 6. pp. 1823–1835.
7. Аниканов Г.А., Коновальчик П.М., Моргунов В.М., Овчаров В.А. Контролируемый многомодельный доступ к среде беспроводных сетей передачи данных // Труды СПИИРАН. 2015. Вып. 1(38). С. 246–268.
8. Khludova M. Resource Allocation Policies for Smart Energy Efficiency in Data Centers // Proceedings of International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking. 2014. pp. 16–28.
9. Zhao Q., Swami A. A survey of dynamic spectrum access: Signal processing and networking perspectives // Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2007). vol. 4. pp. IV-1349-IV-1352.
10. Abdullah H.M.A., Kumar A.V.S. A Survey on Spectrum-Map Based on Normal Opportunistic Routing Methods for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks // International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications. 2015. vol. 7. no. 3. pp. 2761–2770.
11. Clancy T.C. Formalizing the interference temperature model // Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2007. vol. 7. no. 9. pp. 1077–1086.
12. Xing Y. et al. Dynamic spectrum access with QoS and interference temperature constraints // IEEE Transactions on mobile computing. 2007. vol. 6. no. 4. pp. 423–433.
13. Weiss T.A., Jondral F.K. Spectrum pooling: an innovative strategy for the enhancement of spectrum efficiency // IEEE communications Magazine. 2004. vol. 42. no. 3. pp. S8-14.
14. Berthold U., Jondral F.K., Brandes S., Schnell M. OFDM-based overlay systems: A promising approach for enhancing spectral efficiency [Topics in radio communications] // IEEE Communications Magazine. 2007. vol. 45. no. 12. pp. 52–58.
15. Lin S.C., Chen K.C. Spectrum-map-empowered opportunistic routing for cognitive radio ad hoc networks // IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2014. vol. 63. no. 6. pp. 2848–2861.
16. Abdullah H.M.A., Kumar A.V.S. Modified SMOR Using Sparsity Aware Distributed Spectrum Map for Enhanced Opportunistic Routing in Cognitive Radio Adhoc Networks // Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 2017. vol. 9. no. 6. pp. 184–196.
17. Abdullah H.M.A., Kumar A.V.S. A Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony Based Spectrum Opportunistic Routing Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks // International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. 2016. vol. 7. no. 6. pp. 294–303.
18. Abdullah H.M.A., Kumar A.V.S. HB-SOR: Hybrid Bat Spectrum Map Empowered Opportunistic Routing and Energy Reduction for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks (CRAHNs) // International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP). 2017. vol. 7. no. 5. pp. 284–297.
19. Qian L., Li X., Attia J., Gajic Z. Power control for cognitive radio ad hoc networks // Proceedings of 15th IEEE Workshop on Local & Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN 2007). 2007. pp. 7–12.
20. Gao S., Qian L., Vaman D.R. Distributed energy efficient spectrum access in cognitive radio wireless ad hoc networks // IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2009. vol. 8. no. 10. pp. 5202–5213.
21. Sanchez S.M., Souza R.D., Fernandez E.M., Reguera V.A. Rate and energy efficient power control in a cognitive radio ad hoc network // IEEE signal processing letters. 2013. vol. 20. no. 5. pp. 451–454.
22. Ngo D.T., Le-Ngoc T. Distributed resource allocation for cognitive radio networks with spectrum-sharing constraints // IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2011. vol. 60. no. 7. pp. 3436–3449.
23. Ding L., Melodia T., Batalama S.N., Matyjas J.D. Distributed resource allocation in cognitive and cooperative ad hoc networks through joint routing, relay selection and spectrum allocation // Computer Networks. 2015. vol. 83. pp. 315–331.
24. Jia J., Zhang S. Cooperative transmission in cognitive radio ad hoc networks // International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2012. vol. 8. no. 5. pp. 863634.
25. Kim S.J., Giannakis G.B. Optimal resource allocation for MIMO ad hoc cognitive radio networks // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2011. vol. 57. no. 5. pp. 3117–3131.
26. Ding L. et al. Cross-layer routing and dynamic spectrum allocation in cognitive radio ad hoc networks // IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2010. vol. 59. no. 4. pp. 1969–1979.
27. Lee K., Hong J.P. Energy-efficient resource allocation for simultaneous information and energy transfer with imperfect channel estimation // IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2016. vol. 65. no. 4. pp. 2775–2780.
28. Doğan B., Ölmez T. A new metaheuristic for numerical function optimization: Vortex Search algorithm // Information Sciences. 2015. vol. 293. pp. 125–145.
29. Liszka T., Orkisz J. The finite difference method at arbitrary irregular grids and its application in applied mechanics // Computers & Structures. 1980. vol. 11. no. 1-2. pp. 83–95.
2. Chen Y, Zhang S, Xu S, Li G.Y. Fundamental trade-offs on green wireless networks // IEEE Communications Magazine. 2011. vol. 49. no. 6. pp. 30–37.
3. Gür G., Alagöz F. Green wireless communications via cognitive dimension: an overview // IEEE network. 2011. vol. 25. no. 2. pp. 50–56.
4. Si P., Ji H., Yu F.R., Leung V.C. Optimal cooperative internetwork spectrum sharing for cognitive radio systems with spectrum pooling // IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2010. vol. 59. no. 4. pp. 1760–1768.
5. Yu F.R., Sun B., Krishnamurthy V., Ali S. Application layer QoS optimization for multimedia transmission over cognitive radio networks // Wireless Networks. 2011. vol. 17. no. 2. pp. 371–383.
6. Al-Ariki H.D., Swamy M.S. A survey and analysis of multipath routing protocols in wireless multimedia sensor networks // Wireless Networks. 2017. vol. 23. no. 6. pp. 1823–1835.
7. Аниканов Г.А., Коновальчик П.М., Моргунов В.М., Овчаров В.А. Контролируемый многомодельный доступ к среде беспроводных сетей передачи данных // Труды СПИИРАН. 2015. Вып. 1(38). С. 246–268.
8. Khludova M. Resource Allocation Policies for Smart Energy Efficiency in Data Centers // Proceedings of International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking. 2014. pp. 16–28.
9. Zhao Q., Swami A. A survey of dynamic spectrum access: Signal processing and networking perspectives // Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2007). vol. 4. pp. IV-1349-IV-1352.
10. Abdullah H.M.A., Kumar A.V.S. A Survey on Spectrum-Map Based on Normal Opportunistic Routing Methods for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks // International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications. 2015. vol. 7. no. 3. pp. 2761–2770.
11. Clancy T.C. Formalizing the interference temperature model // Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2007. vol. 7. no. 9. pp. 1077–1086.
12. Xing Y. et al. Dynamic spectrum access with QoS and interference temperature constraints // IEEE Transactions on mobile computing. 2007. vol. 6. no. 4. pp. 423–433.
13. Weiss T.A., Jondral F.K. Spectrum pooling: an innovative strategy for the enhancement of spectrum efficiency // IEEE communications Magazine. 2004. vol. 42. no. 3. pp. S8-14.
14. Berthold U., Jondral F.K., Brandes S., Schnell M. OFDM-based overlay systems: A promising approach for enhancing spectral efficiency [Topics in radio communications] // IEEE Communications Magazine. 2007. vol. 45. no. 12. pp. 52–58.
15. Lin S.C., Chen K.C. Spectrum-map-empowered opportunistic routing for cognitive radio ad hoc networks // IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2014. vol. 63. no. 6. pp. 2848–2861.
16. Abdullah H.M.A., Kumar A.V.S. Modified SMOR Using Sparsity Aware Distributed Spectrum Map for Enhanced Opportunistic Routing in Cognitive Radio Adhoc Networks // Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 2017. vol. 9. no. 6. pp. 184–196.
17. Abdullah H.M.A., Kumar A.V.S. A Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony Based Spectrum Opportunistic Routing Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks // International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. 2016. vol. 7. no. 6. pp. 294–303.
18. Abdullah H.M.A., Kumar A.V.S. HB-SOR: Hybrid Bat Spectrum Map Empowered Opportunistic Routing and Energy Reduction for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks (CRAHNs) // International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP). 2017. vol. 7. no. 5. pp. 284–297.
19. Qian L., Li X., Attia J., Gajic Z. Power control for cognitive radio ad hoc networks // Proceedings of 15th IEEE Workshop on Local & Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN 2007). 2007. pp. 7–12.
20. Gao S., Qian L., Vaman D.R. Distributed energy efficient spectrum access in cognitive radio wireless ad hoc networks // IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2009. vol. 8. no. 10. pp. 5202–5213.
21. Sanchez S.M., Souza R.D., Fernandez E.M., Reguera V.A. Rate and energy efficient power control in a cognitive radio ad hoc network // IEEE signal processing letters. 2013. vol. 20. no. 5. pp. 451–454.
22. Ngo D.T., Le-Ngoc T. Distributed resource allocation for cognitive radio networks with spectrum-sharing constraints // IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2011. vol. 60. no. 7. pp. 3436–3449.
23. Ding L., Melodia T., Batalama S.N., Matyjas J.D. Distributed resource allocation in cognitive and cooperative ad hoc networks through joint routing, relay selection and spectrum allocation // Computer Networks. 2015. vol. 83. pp. 315–331.
24. Jia J., Zhang S. Cooperative transmission in cognitive radio ad hoc networks // International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2012. vol. 8. no. 5. pp. 863634.
25. Kim S.J., Giannakis G.B. Optimal resource allocation for MIMO ad hoc cognitive radio networks // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2011. vol. 57. no. 5. pp. 3117–3131.
26. Ding L. et al. Cross-layer routing and dynamic spectrum allocation in cognitive radio ad hoc networks // IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2010. vol. 59. no. 4. pp. 1969–1979.
27. Lee K., Hong J.P. Energy-efficient resource allocation for simultaneous information and energy transfer with imperfect channel estimation // IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2016. vol. 65. no. 4. pp. 2775–2780.
28. Doğan B., Ölmez T. A new metaheuristic for numerical function optimization: Vortex Search algorithm // Information Sciences. 2015. vol. 293. pp. 125–145.
29. Liszka T., Orkisz J. The finite difference method at arbitrary irregular grids and its application in applied mechanics // Computers & Structures. 1980. vol. 11. no. 1-2. pp. 83–95.
Как цитировать
Абдулла, Х. М. А., & Кумар, А. С. (2018). Энергоэффективное распределение ресурсов в когнитивных радио- ad-hoc-сетях на основе вершинного поиска. Труды СПИИРАН, 2(57), 5-25. https://doi.org/10.15622/sp.57.1
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