Управление знаниями в производственных сетях: классификация и технологии для повторного использования знаний
Ключевые слова:
трансфер знаний, представление знаний, производственные сети, сети МСПАннотация
Многие исследования в области управления знаниями указывают на то, что предприятия и организации, поддерживающие систематический обмен, передачу и повторное использование знаний, могут рассчитывать на значительные выгоды. Однако не так много исследований выполнено в рамках анализа технологий для повторного использования знаний, которые применяются в организациях. Исходя из классификации подходов к повторному использованию знаний, в статье рассматривается состояние в этой области применительно к производственным сетях (с уделением особого внимания сетям малых и средних предприятий - МСП). Цель статьи двоякая: для производственных сетей это исследование того, какие виды повторно используемых знаний (с точки зрения разрабатываемой классификации) наиболее актуальны для таких сетей; для подхода к классификации методов повторного использования знаний это уточнении данного подхода и его обоснование применительно к производственным сетям. Основными результатами статьи являются: (1) анализ ситуаций повторного использования знаний в сетях МСП, (2) оценка предложенного подхода к классификации методов повторного использования знаний применительно к различным ситуациям и (3) дальнейшее уточнение и валидация предложенного подхода.Литература
1. Dyer J., Nobeoka K. Creating and managing a high performance knowledge-sharing network: the Toyota case // Strategic management journal. 2000. pp. 345–367.
2. Ernst D., Kim L. Global production networks, knowledge diffusion, and local capability formation // Research policy. 2002. vol. 31(8). pp. 1417–1429.
3. Phelps C., Heidl R., Wadhwa A. Knowledge, networks, and knowledge networks a review and research agenda // Journal of Management. 2012. vol. 38(4). pp. 1115–1166.
4. Azizi R., Maleki M., Moradi-Moghadam M., Cruz-Machado V. The Impact of Knowledge Management Practices on Supply Chain Quality Management and Competitive Advantages // Management and Production Engineering Review. 2016. vol. 7. no. 1. pp. 4–12.
5. Jakubowski J., Peterka J. Design for Manufacturing in Virtual Environment using Knowledge Engineering // Management and Production Engineering Review. 2014. vol. 5. no. 1. pp. 3–10.
6. Alavi M., Leidner D.E. Knowledge management systems: issues, challenges, and benefits // Communications of the AIS. 1999. vol. 1(2es). pp. 1.
7. Dalkir K. Knowledge management in theory and practice // Routledge. 2013. 372 p.
8. Studer R., Benjamins V.R., Fensel D. Knowledge engineering: principles and methods. Data & knowledge engineering. 1998. vol. 25(1). pp. 161–197.
9. Lillehagen F., Krogstie J. Active Knowledge Modelling of Enterprises // Springer. 2009. 436 p.
10. Sandkuhl K. Knowledge reuse: survey of existing techniques and classification approach // Business Intelligence. 2015. pp. 126–148.
11. Sandkuhl K., Lillehagen F. The Early Phases of Enterprise Knowledge Modeling: Practices and Experiences from Scaffolding and Scoping // IFIP Working Conference on The Practice of Enterprise Modeling (IFIP PoEM 2008). 2008. pp. 1–14.
12. Fong M. E-Collaborations and Virtual Organizations // Hershey. PA: IRM Press. 2005. 300 p.
13. Möller K., Rajala A., Svahn S. Strategic business nets – their type and management // Journal of Business Research. 2005, vol. 58. no. 9. pp. 1274–1284.
14. Kohtamäki M., Vesalainen J., Varamäki E., Vuorinen T. The governance of partnerships and a strategic network // Management Decision. 2006. vol. 44. no. 8. pp. 1031–1051.
15. Valkokari K., Helander N. Knowledge management in different types of strategic SME networks // Management Research News. 2007. pp. 597–608.
16. Lau T., Sure Y. Introducing Ontology-based Skills Management at a Language Insurance Company // Proceedings of the Modellierung. 2002. pp. 123–134.
17. Sandkuhl K., Billig A. Ontology-based Artefact Management in Automotive Electronics // International Journal for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (IJCIM). 2007. vol. 20(7). pp. 627–638.
18. Lybaert N. The Information Use in a SME: its Importance and Some Elements of Influence // Small Business Economics. 1998. vol. 10(2). pp. 171–191.
19. Levy M., Powell P., Yetton, P. The Dynamics of SME Information Systems // Small Business Economics. 2002. vol. 19(4). pp. 341–354.
20. Probst G., Raub S., Romhardt K. Managing Knowledge – Building Blocks for Success // John Wiley & Sons, 2000. 368 p.
21. Nonaka I., Takeuchi H. The Knowledge-Creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation // Oxford university press. 1995. 304 p.
22. Maier R., Hädrich T., Peinl R. Enterprise Knowledge Infrastructures: 2nd Edition // Springer. 2010. 460 p.
23. Lamberts K., Shanks D. Knowledge Concepts and Categories // Psychology Press. 2013. 478 p.
24. Smirnov A., Sandkuhl K., Shilov N. Multilevel Self-Organization and Context-Based Knowledge Fusion for Business Model Adaptability in Cyber-Physical Systems // IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 2013. vol. 46. no. 9. pp. 2045–2050.
25. Markus M. Lynne. Toward a Theory of Knowledge Reuse: Types of Knowledge Reuse Situations and Factors in Reuse Success // Journal of Management Information Systems. 2001. vol. 18. no. 1. pp. 57–93.
26. Delone W. The Delone and Mclean model of information systems success: a ten-year update // Journal of management information systems. 2003. vol. 19(4). pp. 9–30.
27. Jennex M., Olfman L. A model of knowledge management success // International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM). 2006. vol. 2(3). pp. 51–68.
28. Sandkuhl K., Stirna J., Persson A., Wißotzki M. Enterprise Modeling: Tackling Business Challenges with the 4EM Method // Springer. 2014. 309 p.
29. Sandkuhl K. Organizational Knowledge Patterns – Definition and Characteristics // Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing. 2011. pp. 230–235.
30. Blomqvist E., Sandkuhl K. Patterns in Ontology Engineering – Classification of Ontology Patterns // Proc. 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. 2005. pp. 413–416.
31. Sandkuhl K. et al. Ontology Construction in Practice – Experiences and Recommendations from Industrial Cases // 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. 2007. pp. 250–256.
32. Wißotzki M. et al. State of Research in Reuse of Enterprise Models: Systematic Literature Analysis of CAISE, EMMSAD, ICIS and INCOM // IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2012. pp. 82–90.
33. Hammer K., Sandkuhl K. The State of Ontology Pattern Research: A Systematic Review of ISWC. ESWC and ASWC 2005-2009 // Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Ontology Patterns. 2010. vol. 671. pp. 5–18.
34. Sandkuhl K. Organizational Knowledge Patterns: Foundation and Application Example // Operations Research and Data Mining (ORADM-2012). 2012.
35. Newell A. The knowledge level // Artificial intelligence. 1982. vol. 18. no. 1. pp. 87–127.
36. Musen M.A. Dimensions of Knowledge Sharing and Reuse // Computers and Biomedical Research. 1992. vol. 25. pp. 435–467.
37. Vernadat F.B. Enterprise Modelling and Integration // Enterprise Inter-and Intra-Organizational Integration. 2003. pp. 25–33.
38. Lillehagen F. The Foundations of AKM Technology // Proceedings 10th International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (CE) Conference. 2003. pp. 619–629.
39. Boehm B.W.A spiral model of software development and enhancement // IEEE Computer. 1988. vol. 21 (5). pp. 61–72.
40. Lincoln Y., Guba E. Naturalistic Inquiry // Sage Publications. 1985. 416 p.
41. Kitchenham B. Guidelines for Performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering // EBSE Technical Report. University of Durham. 2007. 51 p.
42. Johnsen S. et al. Model-based Adaptive Product and Process Engineering // New Technologies for the Intelligent Design and Operation of Manufacturing Networks. 2007. vol. 42. pp. 7–27.
43. Laudon K.C., Laudon J.P. Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise // Prentice Hall International. 1999. 588 p.
44. Skyrme D. The Networked Organization. Management Insights. URL: http://www. skyrme.com/insights/1netorg.htm. (дата обращения: 15.11. 2008).
45. The Generalized Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology // Handbook on Enterprise Architectures. 2003. pp. 21–63.
46. Carstensen A. et al. Knowledge Supply for SME Networks: Application Cases and Selected Technical Approaches // E-Business Issues Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs: Driving Competitiveness. IGI Publishing. 2011. pp. 149–172.
47. Zhong H., Levalle R.R., Moghaddam M., Nof S. Collaborative Intelligence – Definition and Measured Impacts on Internetworked E-Work // Management and Production Engineering Review. 2015. vol. 6. no. 1. pp. 67–78.
48. Смирнов А.В., Левашова Т.В., Пашкин М.П. Модели контекстно-управляемых систем поддержки принятия решений в динамических структурированных областях // Труды СПИИРАН. 2009. Вып. 9. С. 116–147.
49. Смирнов А.В., Пашкин М.П., Левашова Т.В., Шилов Н.Г. Основные принципы организации систем быстрой интеграции знаний // Труды СПИИРАН. Вып. 1. Т. 2. С. 38–50.
50. Smirnov A., Sheremetov L., Sanchez C., Shilov N. Dynamic Configuration of Agile Supply Networks Based on Semantic Service Composition // Journal of Production Research. Taylor & Francis. 2013. vol. 51. Issue 7. pp. 2160–2175.
51. Alvarado M., Romero M., Sheremetov L. Corporative Memory Based on the User Profiles // Journal of Expert Systems with Applications. Pergamon Press. 2004. vol. 26(1). pp. 87–94.
2. Ernst D., Kim L. Global production networks, knowledge diffusion, and local capability formation // Research policy. 2002. vol. 31(8). pp. 1417–1429.
3. Phelps C., Heidl R., Wadhwa A. Knowledge, networks, and knowledge networks a review and research agenda // Journal of Management. 2012. vol. 38(4). pp. 1115–1166.
4. Azizi R., Maleki M., Moradi-Moghadam M., Cruz-Machado V. The Impact of Knowledge Management Practices on Supply Chain Quality Management and Competitive Advantages // Management and Production Engineering Review. 2016. vol. 7. no. 1. pp. 4–12.
5. Jakubowski J., Peterka J. Design for Manufacturing in Virtual Environment using Knowledge Engineering // Management and Production Engineering Review. 2014. vol. 5. no. 1. pp. 3–10.
6. Alavi M., Leidner D.E. Knowledge management systems: issues, challenges, and benefits // Communications of the AIS. 1999. vol. 1(2es). pp. 1.
7. Dalkir K. Knowledge management in theory and practice // Routledge. 2013. 372 p.
8. Studer R., Benjamins V.R., Fensel D. Knowledge engineering: principles and methods. Data & knowledge engineering. 1998. vol. 25(1). pp. 161–197.
9. Lillehagen F., Krogstie J. Active Knowledge Modelling of Enterprises // Springer. 2009. 436 p.
10. Sandkuhl K. Knowledge reuse: survey of existing techniques and classification approach // Business Intelligence. 2015. pp. 126–148.
11. Sandkuhl K., Lillehagen F. The Early Phases of Enterprise Knowledge Modeling: Practices and Experiences from Scaffolding and Scoping // IFIP Working Conference on The Practice of Enterprise Modeling (IFIP PoEM 2008). 2008. pp. 1–14.
12. Fong M. E-Collaborations and Virtual Organizations // Hershey. PA: IRM Press. 2005. 300 p.
13. Möller K., Rajala A., Svahn S. Strategic business nets – their type and management // Journal of Business Research. 2005, vol. 58. no. 9. pp. 1274–1284.
14. Kohtamäki M., Vesalainen J., Varamäki E., Vuorinen T. The governance of partnerships and a strategic network // Management Decision. 2006. vol. 44. no. 8. pp. 1031–1051.
15. Valkokari K., Helander N. Knowledge management in different types of strategic SME networks // Management Research News. 2007. pp. 597–608.
16. Lau T., Sure Y. Introducing Ontology-based Skills Management at a Language Insurance Company // Proceedings of the Modellierung. 2002. pp. 123–134.
17. Sandkuhl K., Billig A. Ontology-based Artefact Management in Automotive Electronics // International Journal for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (IJCIM). 2007. vol. 20(7). pp. 627–638.
18. Lybaert N. The Information Use in a SME: its Importance and Some Elements of Influence // Small Business Economics. 1998. vol. 10(2). pp. 171–191.
19. Levy M., Powell P., Yetton, P. The Dynamics of SME Information Systems // Small Business Economics. 2002. vol. 19(4). pp. 341–354.
20. Probst G., Raub S., Romhardt K. Managing Knowledge – Building Blocks for Success // John Wiley & Sons, 2000. 368 p.
21. Nonaka I., Takeuchi H. The Knowledge-Creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation // Oxford university press. 1995. 304 p.
22. Maier R., Hädrich T., Peinl R. Enterprise Knowledge Infrastructures: 2nd Edition // Springer. 2010. 460 p.
23. Lamberts K., Shanks D. Knowledge Concepts and Categories // Psychology Press. 2013. 478 p.
24. Smirnov A., Sandkuhl K., Shilov N. Multilevel Self-Organization and Context-Based Knowledge Fusion for Business Model Adaptability in Cyber-Physical Systems // IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 2013. vol. 46. no. 9. pp. 2045–2050.
25. Markus M. Lynne. Toward a Theory of Knowledge Reuse: Types of Knowledge Reuse Situations and Factors in Reuse Success // Journal of Management Information Systems. 2001. vol. 18. no. 1. pp. 57–93.
26. Delone W. The Delone and Mclean model of information systems success: a ten-year update // Journal of management information systems. 2003. vol. 19(4). pp. 9–30.
27. Jennex M., Olfman L. A model of knowledge management success // International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM). 2006. vol. 2(3). pp. 51–68.
28. Sandkuhl K., Stirna J., Persson A., Wißotzki M. Enterprise Modeling: Tackling Business Challenges with the 4EM Method // Springer. 2014. 309 p.
29. Sandkuhl K. Organizational Knowledge Patterns – Definition and Characteristics // Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing. 2011. pp. 230–235.
30. Blomqvist E., Sandkuhl K. Patterns in Ontology Engineering – Classification of Ontology Patterns // Proc. 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. 2005. pp. 413–416.
31. Sandkuhl K. et al. Ontology Construction in Practice – Experiences and Recommendations from Industrial Cases // 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. 2007. pp. 250–256.
32. Wißotzki M. et al. State of Research in Reuse of Enterprise Models: Systematic Literature Analysis of CAISE, EMMSAD, ICIS and INCOM // IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2012. pp. 82–90.
33. Hammer K., Sandkuhl K. The State of Ontology Pattern Research: A Systematic Review of ISWC. ESWC and ASWC 2005-2009 // Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Ontology Patterns. 2010. vol. 671. pp. 5–18.
34. Sandkuhl K. Organizational Knowledge Patterns: Foundation and Application Example // Operations Research and Data Mining (ORADM-2012). 2012.
35. Newell A. The knowledge level // Artificial intelligence. 1982. vol. 18. no. 1. pp. 87–127.
36. Musen M.A. Dimensions of Knowledge Sharing and Reuse // Computers and Biomedical Research. 1992. vol. 25. pp. 435–467.
37. Vernadat F.B. Enterprise Modelling and Integration // Enterprise Inter-and Intra-Organizational Integration. 2003. pp. 25–33.
38. Lillehagen F. The Foundations of AKM Technology // Proceedings 10th International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (CE) Conference. 2003. pp. 619–629.
39. Boehm B.W.A spiral model of software development and enhancement // IEEE Computer. 1988. vol. 21 (5). pp. 61–72.
40. Lincoln Y., Guba E. Naturalistic Inquiry // Sage Publications. 1985. 416 p.
41. Kitchenham B. Guidelines for Performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering // EBSE Technical Report. University of Durham. 2007. 51 p.
42. Johnsen S. et al. Model-based Adaptive Product and Process Engineering // New Technologies for the Intelligent Design and Operation of Manufacturing Networks. 2007. vol. 42. pp. 7–27.
43. Laudon K.C., Laudon J.P. Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise // Prentice Hall International. 1999. 588 p.
44. Skyrme D. The Networked Organization. Management Insights. URL: http://www. skyrme.com/insights/1netorg.htm. (дата обращения: 15.11. 2008).
45. The Generalized Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology // Handbook on Enterprise Architectures. 2003. pp. 21–63.
46. Carstensen A. et al. Knowledge Supply for SME Networks: Application Cases and Selected Technical Approaches // E-Business Issues Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs: Driving Competitiveness. IGI Publishing. 2011. pp. 149–172.
47. Zhong H., Levalle R.R., Moghaddam M., Nof S. Collaborative Intelligence – Definition and Measured Impacts on Internetworked E-Work // Management and Production Engineering Review. 2015. vol. 6. no. 1. pp. 67–78.
48. Смирнов А.В., Левашова Т.В., Пашкин М.П. Модели контекстно-управляемых систем поддержки принятия решений в динамических структурированных областях // Труды СПИИРАН. 2009. Вып. 9. С. 116–147.
49. Смирнов А.В., Пашкин М.П., Левашова Т.В., Шилов Н.Г. Основные принципы организации систем быстрой интеграции знаний // Труды СПИИРАН. Вып. 1. Т. 2. С. 38–50.
50. Smirnov A., Sheremetov L., Sanchez C., Shilov N. Dynamic Configuration of Agile Supply Networks Based on Semantic Service Composition // Journal of Production Research. Taylor & Francis. 2013. vol. 51. Issue 7. pp. 2160–2175.
51. Alvarado M., Romero M., Sheremetov L. Corporative Memory Based on the User Profiles // Journal of Expert Systems with Applications. Pergamon Press. 2004. vol. 26(1). pp. 87–94.
Как цитировать
Зандкуль, К., & Смирнов, А. В. (2018). Управление знаниями в производственных сетях: классификация и технологии для повторного использования знаний. Труды СПИИРАН, 1(56), 5-33. https://doi.org/10.15622/sp.56.1
Искусственный интеллект, инженерия данных и знаний
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