Принципы динамического конфигурирования гибких сетей поставок на основе семантической композиции сервисов
Ключевые слова:
гибкие сети поставок, конфигурация, семантические сервис-ориентированные архитектуры, поиск и композиция сервисовАннотация
В сложных бизнес-сетях поиск партнера может занимать довольно много времени. В сетях поставок, работающих на заказ, эта задача должна решаться в сжатые сроки и в условиях неопределенности, как по поставщикам, так и по заказам. Технологии семантических сервис-ориентированных архитектур могут обеспечить поддержку решения такого рода задач, позволяя строить самоорганизующиеся гибкие сети поставок. В статье описан подход к автоматизации динамического поиска и выбора участников сети, основанный на описании профилей их компетенций как сервисов. Предложен- ный подход использует метод поиска сервисов с неполной информацией и механизмы расширения запросов. Подход проиллюстрирован на примере из автомобильной промышленности.Литература
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Caceres C., Fernandez A., Ossowski S., Vasirani M. Agent-Based Semantic Service Discovery for Healthcare: An Organizational Approach // Intelligent Systems. 2006. Vol. 21, № 6. P. 11–20.
Chandran R., Hexmoor H. Delegation Protocols Founded on Trust // KIMAS'07: Modeling, Exploration, and Engineering (proc. of the 2007 Intern. Conf. on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems). IEEE Press, 2007. P. 328–335.
Choi Y. T., Dooley K. J., Rungtusanatham M. Supply networks and complex adaptive systems: control versus emergence // J. of Operations Management. 2001. № 19. P. 351– 366.
Christopher M., Towill D. An integrated model for the design of agile supply chains // Intern. J. of Physical Distribution and Operations Management. 2001. № 31. P. 235–244.
Contreras M., Sheremetov L. Industrial application integration using the unification approach to agent-enabled semantic SOA // Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 2008. Vol. 24, № 5. P. 680–695.
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Gunasekaran A., Lai K., Cheng T. Responsive supply chain: a competitive strategy in a networked economy // Omega. 2008. № 36. P. 549–564.
Gunasekaran A., Ngai N. Build-to-order supply chain management: literature review and framework for development // J. of Operations Management. 2005. Vol. 23, № 5. P. 423–51.
Kathawala Y., Wilgen A. The evolution of build-to-order supply chain and its implications with selected case studies // Intern. J. of Services and Operations Management. 2005. Vol. 1, № 3. P. 268–282.
Lummus R., Duclos L., Vokurka R. Supply chain flexibility: Building a new model // Global J. of Flexible Systems Management. 2003. Vol. 4, № 4. P. 1–13.
Pujawa N. Assessing supply chain flexibility: A conceptual framework and case study // Intern. J. of Integrated Supply Management. 2004. Vol. 1, № 1. P. 79–97.
Sanchez C., Sheremetov L. A Model for Semantic Service Matching with Leftover and Missing Information // Proc. of the 8th Intern. Conf. on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, IEEE CS Press, California, US. 2008. P. 198–203.
Sandkuh K., Smirnov A., Shilov N. Configuration of Automotive Collaborative Engineering and Flexible Supply Networks // Expanding the Knowledge Economy. Issues, Applications, Case Studies. IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL). 2007. P. 929–936.
Smirnov A., Sheremetov L., Chilov N., Sanchez-Sanchez C. Agent-Based Technological Framework for Dynamic Configuration of a Cooperative Supply Chain // Multiagentbased supply chain management. Series on Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2006. Vol. 28. P. 217–246.
Smirnov A., Shilov N., Kashevnik A. Developing a knowledge management platform for automotive build-to-order production network // Human Systems Management. 2008. Vol. 27, № 31. P. 15–30.
Sycara K., Paolucci M., Ankolekar A., Srinivasan N. Automated Discovery, Interaction and Composition of Semantic Web Services // J. of Web Semantics. 2003. Vol. 1, № 1. P. 27–46.
OWL-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.w3.org/Submission/OWL-S/ (access date: 24.06.2009).
Рогушина Ю.В., Гладун А.Я. Онтологический подход к поиску веб-сервисов в распределенной среде Интернет // Информатика. 2006. № 4. С. 116–126.
Baumgarten M., Bicocchi N., Curran K., Mamei M. et al. Towards Self-Organizing Knowledge Networks for Smart World Infrastructures. Intern. Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, 2006. Vol. 2, № 2. P. 123–133.
Caceres C., Fernandez A., Ossowski S., Vasirani M. Agent-Based Semantic Service Discovery for Healthcare: An Organizational Approach // Intelligent Systems. 2006. Vol. 21, № 6. P. 11–20.
Chandran R., Hexmoor H. Delegation Protocols Founded on Trust // KIMAS'07: Modeling, Exploration, and Engineering (proc. of the 2007 Intern. Conf. on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems). IEEE Press, 2007. P. 328–335.
Choi Y. T., Dooley K. J., Rungtusanatham M. Supply networks and complex adaptive systems: control versus emergence // J. of Operations Management. 2001. № 19. P. 351– 366.
Christopher M., Towill D. An integrated model for the design of agile supply chains // Intern. J. of Physical Distribution and Operations Management. 2001. № 31. P. 235–244.
Contreras M., Sheremetov L. Industrial application integration using the unification approach to agent-enabled semantic SOA // Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 2008. Vol. 24, № 5. P. 680–695.
Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) Documentation [Electronic resource] URL: http://www.fipa.org (access date: 24.06.2009).
Fontanella J. Awarding Excellence in B2B [Electronic resource] // AMR Research: [site]. [2007]. URL: http://www.amrresearch.com (access date: 24.06.2009).
Garavelli A. Flexibility configurations for the supply chain management // Intern. J. of Production Economics. 2003. № 85. P. 141–153.
Gou J., Yang X., Dai W. On Demand Integration of Dynamic Supply Chain Application Based on Semantic Service Oriented Architecture // Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems. IFIP Book Series. 2008. Vol. 254. P. 589–598.
Gunasekaran A., Lai K., Cheng T. Responsive supply chain: a competitive strategy in a networked economy // Omega. 2008. № 36. P. 549–564.
Gunasekaran A., Ngai N. Build-to-order supply chain management: literature review and framework for development // J. of Operations Management. 2005. Vol. 23, № 5. P. 423–51.
Kathawala Y., Wilgen A. The evolution of build-to-order supply chain and its implications with selected case studies // Intern. J. of Services and Operations Management. 2005. Vol. 1, № 3. P. 268–282.
Lummus R., Duclos L., Vokurka R. Supply chain flexibility: Building a new model // Global J. of Flexible Systems Management. 2003. Vol. 4, № 4. P. 1–13.
Pujawa N. Assessing supply chain flexibility: A conceptual framework and case study // Intern. J. of Integrated Supply Management. 2004. Vol. 1, № 1. P. 79–97.
Sanchez C., Sheremetov L. A Model for Semantic Service Matching with Leftover and Missing Information // Proc. of the 8th Intern. Conf. on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, IEEE CS Press, California, US. 2008. P. 198–203.
Sandkuh K., Smirnov A., Shilov N. Configuration of Automotive Collaborative Engineering and Flexible Supply Networks // Expanding the Knowledge Economy. Issues, Applications, Case Studies. IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL). 2007. P. 929–936.
Smirnov A., Sheremetov L., Chilov N., Sanchez-Sanchez C. Agent-Based Technological Framework for Dynamic Configuration of a Cooperative Supply Chain // Multiagentbased supply chain management. Series on Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2006. Vol. 28. P. 217–246.
Smirnov A., Shilov N., Kashevnik A. Developing a knowledge management platform for automotive build-to-order production network // Human Systems Management. 2008. Vol. 27, № 31. P. 15–30.
Sycara K., Paolucci M., Ankolekar A., Srinivasan N. Automated Discovery, Interaction and Composition of Semantic Web Services // J. of Web Semantics. 2003. Vol. 1, № 1. P. 27–46.
OWL-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.w3.org/Submission/OWL-S/ (access date: 24.06.2009).
Рогушина Ю.В., Гладун А.Я. Онтологический подход к поиску веб-сервисов в распределенной среде Интернет // Информатика. 2006. № 4. С. 116–126.
Как цитировать
Смирнов, А. В., & Шереметов, Л. Б. (2009). Принципы динамического конфигурирования гибких сетей поставок на основе семантической композиции сервисов. Труды СПИИРАН, (8), 154-176. https://doi.org/10.15622/sp.8.8
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