Features of conspecific and heterospecific interactions of greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum and spider mite Tetranychus urticae on cucumber
phytophagous insects, population density, behaviour, development, plant damage, herbivore responseAbstract
Рlant-mediated interactions between greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum and spider mite Tetranychus urticae have been studied under laboratory experiments on cucumber. The seedlings have been infested using different herbivores densities, when the first true leaf was fully unfolded. The response of pests to previously damaged plants has been studied. Whitefly and spider mite plant selection in free-choice bioassay, as well as the larvae number of the whitefly daughter generation and the daily spider mite fecundity have been evaluated in the experiment. We have found, that the antixenotic and antibiotic cucumber properties in regard to the herbivorous arthropods, as a result of herbivore-induced plant defense development, depend on herbivore species and intensity of arthropod damage to plants. Damage to plants by whitefly has affected the behavior and development of a conspecific individuals only. Damage to plants by spider mites has affected both whitefly and spider mite individuals. Analysis of literature on this issue and the results of our research show a specificity of plant responses to arthropod damage, that can be determined by the specific features of herbivorous species and depend on the nature and intensity of the plant damage.