• kundiusv_55 Алтайский ГАУ


Abstract. The article presents the results of scientific research on the possibilities and efficiency of organic production. The transition to organic agriculture is due to the negative consequences of global intensification for the environment, natural resources, public health, and consumers of food products. The effectiveness of the production of organic products is considered from the standpoint of a socio-eco–economic approach. In the conditions of innovative development of the production processes of organic agricultural and food products, points of economic growth are noted due to the introduction of biologization of agricultural production technologies, as a large-scale systemic program of the digital and technological generation, the development of which requires improved work with environmental resources, is a necessary condition for the development of organic production in agriculture. It is proved that the production of organic products in the regions improves the quality and standard of living of the population, the concept of an economic model is presented in which the development of organic production takes place, which contributes to increasing the economic efficiency of agriculture. The results of research on economic results and components of the efficiency of production of organic agricultural products, including using agrobiotechnologies, are presented.-gii in the Altai Territory and other regions of Russia. The relevant conclusions are drawn about the prospects for the development of organic agriculture with the aim of increasing socio –ecological and economic effects. The necessity of developing digitalization of the organic products market, state support for farms, processing enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses, primarily at the stage of certification of organic products based on the experience of most foreign countries, is substantiated.
