Pricing strategy in the activities of organic producers

  • natalianikonova СПбФИЦРАН


The growth in the supply of organic products increases the urgency of the problem of its constant sale at attractive prices for consumers. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to analyze price strategies and tasks for their improvement to ensure a stable position of producers in the market of organi c goods. The information base consists of the works of Russian and foreign scientists, in particular from the People's Republic of China, materials from Rosstat and the results of the authors' own research on the problem. A system-targeted approach, methods of comparative and factor analysis of pricing, as well as statistical information processing were used. The modern economic conditions and the reasons for price changes in the organic market are investigated from the standpoint of their acceptability and possible consequences for the economic situation, the types of price strategies of commodity producers are shown. The factors of the formation of the price structure, their quantitative parameters and the possibility of price positioning of producers to obtain the desired income are analyzed. An assessment of the features of the pricing strategies of organic producers implemented in practice and the necessary measures to optimize pricing has been carried out. Strategic decisions taken by representatives of small and large businesses during the implementation of pricing policy are considered. The conclusion is made about the need to strengthen public-private partnerships to ensure the sustainable development of organic production.
