The effect of an emulsion based on coriander (Coriándrum sátivum) and fennel (Foenículum vulgáre) on the expression of genes forming the immune status of dairy calves.

  • Konstantin Ostrenko All-Russian Research Institute of Physiology, Biochemistry and Nutrition of Animals — Branch of the L.K. Ernst Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry


In the early period of ontogenesis, the entire digestive system is formed, especially the mucous membrane lining the entire surface of the hollow organs of the digestive system and representing a large contact surface for food and various antigens. The results of the study showed that the expression level of the proinflammatory cytokines IL6 and IL8, used to destroy antigens, was higher in the experimental group. Decreased expression of SIRT3 in the control group is reduced, which is the main factor associated with low metabolic activity, including the accumulation of lipid droplets inside the cell, which contributes to a decrease in energy supply and survival of the body. In the experimental groups, an increase in the expression of the SIRT3 gene reflects factors of increased productivity and nonspecific resistance of dairy calves. The data obtained may indicate that when using a feed additive based on essential oils, it has a pronounced immunostimulating effect, contributes to an increase in the nonspecific resistance of calves during the period of dairy fattening.
