Econometric method for assessing the level of digitalization of regional agriculture

  • akmarovpb Удмуртский государственный аграрный университет


The development of digital transformation processes in agriculture is uneven both in the regions of the country and in individual economic entities. The current methods of assessing the level of digitalization of business do not take into account industry specifics, therefore they are not accurate and not objective. The article proposes a new approach to the integrated assessment of digitalization of agricultural business, which is based on an econometric model. In this model, a comprehensive assessment of digital transformation is determined for each specific type of digital technology according to its role in increasing production. The study shows that today the most important and essential technologies for increasing agricultural production are technologies using geoinformation systems (GIS technologies), the Internet of Things and industrial robots. The authors propose to evaluate the contribution of each technology to the integrated digitalization index by the degree of influence of this technology on the result of production based on correlation and regression analysis. The article presents such calculations made on the basis of materials from the state statistics bodies of Russia. The paper shows an example of calculating the level of digitalization in regions with a predominantly agrarian orientation of the economy.
