Efficiency Evaluation of the Rehabilitation of Oil-contaminated Agricultural Soddy-podzolic Soils

  • recchi НИЦЭБ РАН - ФИЦ РАН
  • Unknown Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety – Saint Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Unknown Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety – Saint Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Unknown Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety – Saint Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Oil pollution of soils, bioremediation, self-purification, soil health, aboveground grass biomass, mineralization of oil products, soil respi-ration


The effectiveness of remediation of oil-contaminated agricultural soddy-podzolic soils has been studied in long-term field experiment. The initial content of oil products in soil was over 50,000 mg kg-1. Different methods of bioremediation were applied: introduction of mineral fertilizers, lime, sowing of grasses, various biopreparations. The effectiveness of the methods of remediation was evaluated using chemical, microbiological, biological and other indicators. Diagnostic parameters were the aboveground plant biomass, the biological activity of soils, determined by the production of СО2, and the rate of mineralization of oil products in the soil. These indicators made it possible to compare the effectiveness of remediation and to reveal the fundamentally different effects of used biopreparations. It is established that the joint use of agrochemical and biological methods is most effective if the biopreparation is selected correctly. The greater efficiency of single application of biopreparations in comparison with self- purification processes can be noticeable for three years.
