Resource-saving spraying method using the «Agroprotector-robot»

  • 9034960421 автор
Keywords: agriculture, resource-saving method, chemical protection, corn spraying, digital technologies, agroprotector-robot, drones.


This article discusses the problem of improving chemical protection against weeds, diseases, pests in the cultivation of corn in order to improve the quality of processing, to minimize: the consumption of pesticides, environmental damage and the cost of production. The authors reveal the disadvantages of existing spraying methods today and propose a new unique approach to its implementation, based on constant monitoring of corn crops to detect weeds, diseases and pests in the most favorable and probable periods of their appearence and simultaneous treatment of the affected area.

The parameters of the external environment that affect the quality of spraying corn crops in the conditions of the steppe zone of southern Russia are noted and the optimal solution to the emerging problems is proposed. The features of the growth and development of corn, in various phases of vegetation, affecting the yield and quality of the resulting grain, which must be taken into account to improve the efficiency of spraying, are indicated.

The article presents the main pesticides, their classification, purpose, consumption rates, processing conditions, methods and time of application used against weeds, diseases and pests on corn crops in the conditions of the steppe zone of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

The analysis of economic efficiency in carrying out spraying of corn (against weeds) by various methods is presented: traditional, using aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles and an autonomous multifunctional mobile «Agroprotector-robot» of the KBSC RAS.
