The effect of essential oils of coriander and fennel on the nonspecific resistance of dairy calves
. A wide range of essential oils contain bioactive compounds that can potentially act as multifunctional feed additives for animals, including effects on growth indicators, digestive system, microbiome and lipid oxidation. The purpose of the research is to establish the effect of the essential oil of coriander and fennel on the nonspecific resistance of calves and growth rates. Subject of research: essential oils of coriander and fennel. The object of the study is 3 groups of calves of 21 days of age with 10 heads each. The animals of the control group received the Basic diet (BD), the first experimental group BD + fennel essential oil (1ml), the second experimental group BD + coriander essential oil (1ml). The indicators of nonspecific resistance were studied: phagocytic number (PN) and phagocytic index (PI). PI in fennel is 95.6% higher (25.63:13.1) compared to the control, and in coriander 90.3% (24.93:13.1). PN in fennel is 114.4% higher (4.63:2.16), in coriander 205% (6.59:2.16). Under equal conditions of maintenance, we see that the immune response in calves of the experimental groups who received coriander and fennel is significantly higher than in calves of the control group. From which it can be concluded that additives in the form of essential oils contribute to strengthening the nonspecific protection of the body, the use of domestic essential oils can become a natural viable alternative to feed antibiotics and will allow the article to become another significant lever in organic animal husbandry.