Organic agriculture as a strategic factor of a new quality of economic growth

  • kundiusv_55 Алтайский ГАУ
Keywords: Keywords: economic growth, theories, growth quality, indicators, factors, agricultural production, organic agriculture, bioinnovations, biointensive technologies


Abstract. Against the background of a slowdown in the economic growth of the branches of the national economy of Russia, agriculture shows an acceleration of growth rates achieved mainly on the basis of intensification of production. However, it is known that the global intensification of agriculture in the countries of the world in connection with the problems of food supply caused the growth of diseases, health problems of consumers of these products, global environmental problems, which inevitably led to the need to change the theories of economic growth, the consideration of growth problems is inseparable from the concepts of "responsible consumption". In this regard, the production of organic agricultural products and food is being developed. The article presents the scientific discussion of modern authors about the factors of economic growth in the current macro-economic conditions, including anti-Russian sanctions, substantiates the dominant factors of the new quality of economic growth, first of all, the development of organic agriculture in Russia and Mongolia. The results of scientific research on the resource potential of organic agriculture, the use of technologies for plant protection, soil treatment, effective crop rotations and the use of elite seeds, the effectiveness of the use of biofertilizers, rhizobacterial fertilizers, the advantages of using new biological products for plant protection, the results of market research of organic products, the effectiveness of organic agriculture from the standpoint of socio-ecological and economic effects. The mechanisms of strategic development and achievement of a new quality of sustainable growth of agricultural production on the basis of bioinnovations, biointensive technologies developed by scientists of Russia and Mongolia are proposed.
