Movement Along the Trajectory of a Home Quadruped Robot

  • dobrynin_da Federal Research Center for Computer Science and Control RAS
Keywords: quadruped robot, motion planning, walking robot, trajectory, home robot


Home walking robots imitating pets have a high appeal due to increased maneuverability in a cramped home environment. Unlike robots on a wheelbase, walking home robots can climb stairs, get up when tipping over and change their height when overcoming obstacles. Planning the movements of a home robot is an important component of the control system of a quadruped walking robot. The article deals with the problem of following the trajectory of a walking robot, which relates to motion planning. The article presents a model of a robot and a mathematical model of its legs. Two methods of approximation of the trajectory of motion are proposed in the article – piecewise linear approximation and approximation by arcs of a circle. The use of piecewise linear approximation makes it possible to solve the problem using simple robot movements. The use of approximation by arcs of a circle allows you to build a universal gait for a walking robot. Such a gait can replace several different types of gaits of a quadruped walking robot. The proposed methods of trajectory approximation for a home robot have a small numerical complexity. The simulation of robot movements using two types of approximations is carried out. The article presents experimental modeling data. It is shown that the average speed of a walking robot with piecewise linear approximation is significantly lower than the speed of the robot moving in a straight line. The article presents the conclusions drawn from the results of experiments.
